existence and nothingness.
Jianghao Niu
Instagram: @jianghaoniu
In the face of serious environmental pollution, people may feel helpless and desperate, but it is in this "nothingness" that the significance of the environmental movement and individual action becomes even more important. Existentialist philosophers such as Sartre and Camus argued that human beings must find their meaning in a world without innate meaning and purpose.
Nothingness is not negative, but a space where humans are free to choose and create meaning. Nietzsche's idea of nihilism states that humanity must face the absence of meaning after the collapse of traditional values and beliefs. "Existence in nothingness" can be understood as the re-establishment of a new value system in the midst of this absence.
The female body is often depicted as a symbol of natural beauty and harmony, reflecting the balance and beauty of nature. Good air quality represents the health and balance of the natural environment. Just as natural and harmonious air quality symbolises ecological balance and health, the harmony and beauty of the female body symbolises the health of society and human relationships. Air pollution disrupts the harmony of nature, and similarly, harming women's bodies disrupts the harmony of society.