Protect Our Planet - Dream Green
Tricia Keown O'Leary
A Mythical Deity holds Planet Earth in their hand, confronting both our reality and destiny if we don't trigger change towards air pollution.
Below Planet Earth, flickers of flames - the tinderbox of global warming. Above it, menacing smoggy skies polluted by industrialisation and urbanisation.
Whilst on the Planet, the daily grind of Westway traffic and a million spaghetti junctions beyond it, contribute to the decimation of our clean air.
But the Deity offers hope.
We are resilient. We can initiate change for the future. We just need to respect and care for nature more. Embrace our beautiful green world.
Reduce carbon emissions, toxic waste, industrial, home and vehicle pollutants. Breathe new life into the earth's atmosphere, to create a healthier, cleaner environment, eradicating air pollution.
United, we can be a catalyst for transformation, cultivating a sustainable natural world to cherish and thrive in.
Protect our Planet - Dream Green.