become part of the solution
Alessandra Tortone
Instagram @alessandratortone
Poor air quality is the largest environmental risk to public health in the UK, as long-term exposure to air pollution can cause chronic conditions. The biggest contributors of air pollution are from industry sources, air pollution and poor air quality can be attributed to changing weather conditions. Heatwaves not only lead to an increase of temperature, but are some of the causes and effects of air pollution.
On our piece we wanted to showcase all this major cause or air pollution and how, we, human, are in the middle of it. The cause of it and also the solution. If we embrace a sustainable way of living such us Replacing diesel and gasoline-powered vehicles, eliminating uncontrolled diesel emissions, Preventing crop burning and embrace new eco - green solar and wind power energy.
The solutions exist – and we already know it. With technical support, strategic funding, and public and private initiatives, we can successfully improve public health and combat climate change.
We must start to be a part of the solution and stop being part of the pollution.